Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful Day 6

Thanks to ALL men and women, but especially my family members (pictured on my wall in my living room) who have and will continue to fight for the freedoms we take for granted!  Every day I look at the pictures and am honored to call them family!  My boys know who each on is and that they served our country so that we can live in freedom today!
We took our boys with us to vote this morning.  Even though all the ads and phone calls get very annoying, they're brought up some issues that we've talked over with our boys!  Many issues we wouldn't just talk about in our everyday conversation!  They're very interested in the President "doing what the BIBLE says!"  I'm so thankful that I have the FREEDOM to vote! 
Thank you ALL who served our GREAT COUNTRY to give us the FREEDOM so many in this world do not have!

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