Wednesday, June 12, 2013

National Corn on the Cob Day!

Of course we had to celebrate "National Corn on the Cob" Day. 
We got some very yummy corn, especially for this time of year.  Here's just a few pictures of the celebration.
 So sad this one's blurry!

And yep, even Slick had some!  He told daddy, "Dad, I think this is actually the first time I EVER ate a vegetable ALL by MYSELF!:  HAHA!  Not really, but I love that he at least tried it.  Oh and by the way, he said, "It kinda tasted good!" 

Teach it to me Tuesday-1

Today we talked about tornadoes.  Then we made one!  The boys loved this.

We started with a jar, added water and a drop of dish soap! 
Then they started shaking!  Yep, that's it!  

 And tada, there it is!  A tornado in a jar! 
I love Slick's face in this picture!  Pretty much sums up the aw they were in at the sight of this!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Make it Monday-1

So day 2 of summer break brought more RAIN!  The boys are really hoping for some relief SOON!  In the mean time, we're adjusting the best we can, inside!
Today was our first "Make it Monday".  We decided it's time for them to learn the responsibility of handling money so we made some "jars" to help us out. 
 In progress...
 Spike's "finished project"

 Slick's "finished project"
I hope they work!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Field Trip Friday 1

So, the first Friday of Summer Vacation brought RAIN, LOTS of rain.  So for our first field trip, we had to stay indoors for sure. 
Can't forget the umbrellas!

First stop, the library!  We needed to get new cards our "new" library!  That took a while for 2 little boys anxious to check out the new place. 
This little guy said to me, "Mom, I'm just having so much fun reading these books!" 
Spike read to us all about "Big Rigs" the whole way to have lunch with Daddy.  We actually DID learn something.  Did you know that the size of a semi-truck's steering wheel is bigger than an extra large pizza?  Yep, it sure is!
 Lunch with daddy was the highlight!
 Yep, still raining, but that didn't stop us!  What a GREAT first day!  Let's keep it up, boys!