Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 9

"Cupid" brought...
Robot coloring sheets. Yes, they each got their own, but felt the need to color together! I love it!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Celebrating post #200...Valentine style!
Yes, there are 200 hearts in this picture!

February 8

"Cupid" brought...Mini Balloons that "blow up themselves"!

February 7

"Cupid" brought...
Heart-shaped Junior Mints! Yummo!

February 6

"Cupid" brought...

February 5

"Cupid" brought...
Fold-N-Go organizers (Thanks to the outlet at 31 gifts!) and some pencils, markers and stickers.

February 4

"Cupid" brought...
Craft time!
Slick's favorite...
Spike's finished product!

February 3

"Cupid" brought...
Bubble Tape!

February 2...

Cupid brought...

Counting down!

Beginning February 1, this is the scene in our house.
"Cupid" comes to bring a special treat to her Valentines! The boys love it. They ask EVERY morning what she brought! Of course, I have NO IDEA! ;)
February 1 brought...
"Lightening Snow Globes"!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Birthday Presents and Hand-Me-Downs

The day after a birthday (for a 7 year old, that is) means assembling and playing! That's exactly what the boys did!
The finished product! (Do you think someone likes his present?)
It also means taking pictures of your new toys!
Fun stuff!
Of course all of this is going on while mommy is fixing up their bedroom.
He's the story. My mom was getting a "new to us" bunk bed for her house. When she got to the place to pick it up, she decided it would be better suited for my boys. So while I was preparing for the party, the men did a switch-a-roo with the beds. I didn't have time to do anything with it on Saturday, so I did it on Sunday. Here's the finished product. We LOVE them! Fair trade I think!
Here's another birthday present...
A "reading tee pee"! Hope it works!

Friday, February 3, 2012

PJ Day

So today was "Pajama Day" for Slick at school. He was SO excited to go! He never goes on Friday, but since it was a "special" day, we decided he'd go for a couple of hours.
Well the poor fellow didn't get to GO to school for "pajama day", he got to stay home and have "pajama day" at home. He decided last night would be the night to "frow up" for the very first time. I'm very thankful that it took him almost 5 and a half years to do so, although he's NOT a fan! He was a trooper though and thankfully it didn't last long.
One of the toughest things for a mom is when your kids are sick and you can really do nothing to take it away. To make it worse for me, after each "session" he looked up at me with his big "blueberry eyes" with big tears streaming down his cheeks and said, "I never frowed up before! I don't like it! My mouf and froat hurt!"
Now to pray that no one else gets it!