Monday, November 26, 2012

Catching up!

Things I'm thankful for...
Day 13- My teaching job!  LOVE the kids!
Day 14-The Truth Trackers leader!  They do a GREAT job with the kids!
Day 15-Grocery shopping alone!  So thankful my hubby makes sure this happens often!
Day 16-FCA!  I love that the boys are going to the same school I did!
Day 17-A Saturday with no plans!  Very few and far between!
Day 18-STAGES!  What is that, you ask?  The ladies group at church!
Day 19-Spike learning to play the piano!  Music to a mommy's ears! (no pun intended!)
Day 20-Spike's 2nd grade class! LOVE being their room mom!
Day 21-These three!

Day 22-Thanksgiving Day PARADE!  One of my most favorite things all year!
Day 23-A day with my family!  Had fun Black Friday shopping together!
Day 24-My nieces and nephews!  ALL 12 of them
Day 25-My pellet stove!
Day 26-Having the boys home on break! 

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