Saturday, February 2, 2013

February 2, 2013

Today Cupid brought...

Cars for the boys! 
  And Combos for Daddy!

February 1, 2013

Cupid came today!  He (she) brought...

Window clings!  The boys had a blast putting them up!

January 31, 2013

Birthday Present time!
 FINALLY get to ride!

 Think he likes it?  What 8 year old wouldn't like a BRAND NEW bike for their birthday?
 Yes, he DOES wear a helmet!  Daddy was watching him again!  He just HAD to try it out and couldn't get the helmet fast enough!  Oh boys will be boys!

And yep, we're getting ready for Valentine's Day around here!  Like mother like son!  This is what Slick made me today!  LOVE that they get excited too!

January 30, 2013

What a day!
Spike got a journal for his birthday.  Today's post said, "Mom I love the most!"  AW!  And the heart is for me to color for him!  LOVE this kid!  Too bad he has to always make a silly face!
Then if was off to "Pancake and Pajama" day with Slick.
 Of course, no special day is complete with out a picture with the "snow princess"!  Everybody say, "AW!"

 And to end the day, this makes mommy VERY sad!
 This was our LAST ride in our stroller!  Slick STILL LOVED to ride it to the bus stop!  It was a very nice day so I cleaned out the garage.  Since we're moving I posted a picture to see if anyone could use this very special baby item!  It's my LAST one!  And daddy said we couldn't move it to our new house!  So thankfully a friend of ours was willing to take it!  I sure hope she enjoys it as much as we did!

January 29, 2013

Bad mommy!!
So I totally forgot to take Spike for his "birthday donut" yesterday!  How could that happen?
Well, we did it today!  Yep, a white lightening!  He was so kind to understand!  This birthday just doesn't end!

January 28, 2013

Already for the birthday boy to wake up!
 He liked his "surprise" better than his brother!  He didn't want to take it down!
 Of course, none other than Red Robin for dinner!
 But all of a sudden after only 1 bite of Mac n' Cheese, he felt sick, so we went home to lay on the couch for the night!  Kind of a bummer of a birthday day!  Oh well, at least AFV makes it a little better!
 Always in the mood for "funny faces" though!
Happy Birthday, dude!

January 27, 2013

 Just too funny!  I ran out to the grocery store and came home to this!  When I asked daddy why he wasn't watching him, he said, "I was!" Typical!  HAHA!

January 26, 2013

Birthday Party time!
Spike turns 8 on Monday!  Today is the day we will celebrate with the family!
He asked for a race car cake!  And his favorite colors are blue and green!

 LOVE it!  Thanks to Gramma Dale!
 And thanks to Grandma Vawter, we have a new hat!  I really wish I would have been videoing!  He was SO EXCITED!  Oh and I love it too!
 And of course no birthday in this house is complete with out LEGOS!

 Pause for a self-portrait!
I thought this picture was great!  It looks likes the race car is speeding away!

January 25, 2013


It was a COLD week!  One day the high was 9 degrees!  Today was a LITTLE warmer, maybe low 20's!  But that didn't stop the boys!  Outside for 2 hours!  They have been waiting for snow!  Cold and wind was not going to stand in their way!

January 24, 2013

 Daddy brought these candies home for the boys!  They look yummy, right?
 NOT!  As you can see, Slick couldn't keep it in his mouth!  They are those SNEAKY sour kind!
 HAHA!  Slick's trying to keep it in!
And he did!  What a super-duper trooper!
What a dirty, rotten trick, daddy!

January 23, 2013

Since tonight is Wednesday night, Spike SHOULDN'T have homework!  But since he didn't finish his page at school, he had to bring it home!  Well after an hour and a half at home, it STILL wasn't done!  No wonder he didn't finish at school!  This boy has a VERY DIFFICULT time keeping focused!
Have a mentioned how much I (well probably WE) hate homework!

January 22, 2013

New "Man of the house"?
Daddy was gone for the week so Spike likes to take on his role as "man of the house" while he's gone!  Tonight he sat in daddy's seat at dinner and he said to me, "Mom, you even have to make my french toast like daddy does!"  I wasn't sure what that meant but he sure knew! "Two pieces at a time with syrup on the top and in the middle!"  Guess those two like their syrup!

January 21, 2013

Play date!
Because of MLK day, the boys didn't have school today!  So instead of school we had a play date.  Here's some pictures of the FUN they had!
 Snack time!
 They LOOK innocent...

HAHA!  I ran upstairs to switch the laundry and came back down to this!  HAHA!  I guess they were trying to throw the popcorn up and catch it in their mouth!  OBVIOUSLY it didn't work!