Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A little boy after mommy's heart!

Spike and I had a few minutes while brother was still napping today. We decided to make a batch of cookies. Such a fun time for me. Of course, the kitchen is a big mess when we're through, bit it's worth it!

And of course you can't make cookies with out sampling the batter!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

To Infinity And BEYOND!

That's right! Buzz Lightyear himself was in town tonight! And we had the pleasure to meet him in person! The boys just loved it! Didn't get much dinner eaten because they were just too busy watching him! Such a fun time for them!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Uh-Oh's" at it AGAIN!

Well, another trip to the Orthopedic Dr. gives us another cast. This time, the right foot! Never a dull moment with two little boys!